Loss of Income
Graham Ball :: Friday 29th March 2019 :: Latest Blog Posts
This was quite a small case, but relatively complex.
I was asked to prepare a loss of income report for a farming client.
Our client, Mr C had a flock of sheep which he grazed in a field next to a road adjoining open forest. A sheep belonging to a farmer with Forester's rights jumped over the wall into our client's field. As a result our client's sheep became infected and had to be destroyed.
Our client came to us as he had no idea of how to approach a claim for loss of income. All he knew was that it would have a financial impact for several years.
I collated a report which showed the financial impact of the loss over the next 5 years. Bearing in mind that many of these ewes were in lamb, we had to use our best judgement in looking at previous patterns to calculate the lambing percentages.
We then had to assume that our client would have continued to build the flock at a similar rate to the last two years and apply the same pattern into the future bearing in mind the savings that he would make by not maintaining a flock as a result. We then applied inflationary increases to all the costs. This then had to be reported in a clear and concise manner that was capable of being provided as evidence for court.
At the end of the case, the judge praised the report for its clarity in the way in which it cut through the vast rafts of nebulous information supplied by the defence.
Result: Our client received a very satisfactory settlement.